“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
— Coco Chanel
Thank you for your interest in TMM.
Please keep in mind that the industry is constantly changing. If you don’t hear back from us right away, please feel free to submit again in a few months.
How to submit your talent
We are looking to see you in your natural fresh form. Please submit images wearing minimal makeup and form fitting clothing without patterns. No hats, jewelry or filters. Example: Jeans with a solid fitted shirt or tank. If you have professional images, please include those with your submission.
Image 1 - Head Shot
Image 2 - Full Body
Image 3 - Profile (not needed for babies)
Image 4 - Back (not needed for babies)
Please submit your headshots, resume and reel, if you have one.
If you are under 18 years old, please have a parent or guardian submit on your behalf.
Please send your submission to
Tara Manning: [email protected]